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If the debugger is activated, and while using the interpreter, the Lua code can insert powerful breakpoints using the following API:

PCSX.addBreakpoint(address, type, width, cause, invoker)

Important: the return value of this function will be an object that represents the breakpoint itself. If this object gets garbage collected, the corresponding breakpoint will be removed. Thus it is important to store it somewhere that won't get garbage collected right away.

The only mandatory argument is address, which will by default place an execution breakpoint at the corresponding address. The second argument type is an enum which can be represented by one of the 3 following strings: 'Exec', 'Read', 'Write', and will set the breakpoint type accordingly. The third argument width is the width of the breakpoint, which indicates how many bytes should intersect from the base address with operations done by the emulated CPU in order to actually trigger the breakpoint. The fourth argument cause is a string that will be displayed in the logs about why the breakpoint triggered. It will also be displayed in the Breakpoint Debug UI. And the fifth and final argument invoker is a Lua function that will be called whenever the breakpoint is triggered. By default, this will simply call PCSX.pauseEmulator(). If the invoker returns false, the breakpoint will be permanently removed, permitting temporary breakpoints for example. The signature of the invoker callback is:

function(address, width, cause)
    -- body

The address parameter will contain the address that triggered the breakpoint. For 'Exec' breakpoints, this is going to be the same as the current pc, but for 'Read' and 'Write', it's going to be the actual accessed address. The width parameter will contain the width of the access that triggered the breakpoint, which can be different from what the breakpoint is monitoring. And the cause parameter will contain a string describing the reason for the breakpoint; the latter may or may not be the same as what was passed to the addBreakpoint function. Note that you don't need to strictly adhere to the signature, and have zero, one, two, or three arguments for your invoker callback. The return value of the invoker callback is also optional.

For example, these two examples are well formed and perfectly valid:

bp1 = PCSX.addBreakpoint(0x80000000, 'Write', 0x80000, 'Write tracing', function(address, width, cause)
    local regs = PCSX.getRegisters()
    local pc = regs.pc
    print('Writing at ' .. address .. ' from ' .. pc .. ' with width ' .. width .. ' and cause ' .. cause)

bp2 = PCSX.addBreakpoint(0x80030000, 'Exec', 4, 'Shell reached - pausing', function()
    return false

The returned breakpoint object will have a few methods attached to it:

  • :disable()
  • :enable()
  • :isEnabled()
  • :remove()

A removed breakpoint will no longer have any effect whatsoever, and none of its methods will do anything. Remember it is possible for the user to still manually remove a breakpoint from the UI.

Note that the breakpoint will run outside of any safe Lua environment, so it's possible to crash the emulator by doing something wrong which would normally be caught by the safe environment of the main thread. This is to ensure that the breakpoint can run as fast as possible. In order to avoid this, it's possible to wrap the invoker callback in a pcall call, which will catch any error and display it in the logs. For example:

local someActualFunction = function(address, width, cause)
    -- body
bp = PCSX.addBreakpoint(0x80030000, 'Write', 4, 'Shell write tracing', function(address, width, cause)
    local success, msg = pcall(function()
        someActualFunction(address, width, cause)
    if not success then
        print('Error while running Lua breakpoint callback: ' .. msg)

This will ensure that the breakpoint will never crash the emulator, and will instead display the error in the logs, but it will also slow down the execution of the breakpoint. It's up to the user to decide whether or not this is acceptable.

It is safe to add or remove breakpoints from within a breakpoint callback, but it's not safe to remove the breakpoint that is currently being executed. For this specific case, simply return false from the invoker callback, and the breakpoint will be removed after the callback returns.