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PCSX-Redux is entirely running as an OpenGL3 application. All of its aspects, including the UI elements, are rendered using OpenGL primitives. This means there is very little boundaries between the various rendered elements on the screen.

The rendering of the UI is done through ImGui, and a chunk of its API is bound is to Lua using bindings.

A good portion of the OpenGL3 API is also bound to Lua, as well as the nanovg library.

Emulated GPU rendering pipeline

The content of the Output region is rendered in two steps. The first step is called the "Offscreen rendering", and is done during the emulated GPU vsyncs. Its job is to flush the contents of the VRAM texture to an offscreen texture, which may be of a different resolution. The resolution of the offscreen texture should be pixel perfect with that of the Output region. By default, the associated shader with this operation should only do a simple copy and interpolation, but as the first stage of the rendering pipeline, this can be used for some first pass output effect such as the first pass of a crt shader.

The second step is called the "Output rendering", and is done every time the UI wants to refresh its display, which may or may not be at the same time as the emulated vsync. The resolution of the input will match exactly the resolution of the input texture, and the default shader should simply copy all the texels without any sort of interpolation, but as the second stage of the rendering pipeline, this can still be used for the second pass output effect.

The crt-lottes implementation leverages these two passes to do the full CRT-like output.

Shader editor

The shader editor is a simple text editor that allows to edit the shader code. It is not a full IDE, and it is not meant to be. Its point is to do quick iterations on the shader code, and to be able to see the result of the changes in real time.

The shader editor is split in 3 regions:

  • The left tab is the vertex shader code. It is technically editable, but there shouldn't be much reason to edit it.

  • The middle tab is the fragment shader code. This is the main shader code. It is editable, and the changes will be reflected in real time.

  • The right tab is the Lua invoker code. This is the code that will be executed under multiple circumstances. It is editable, and the changes will be reflected in real time.

The Lua invoker code will be compiled and executed in a soft sandbox environment. The code can still access already created globals and mutate them, but any newly created global will be kept within the sandbox and won't be accessible from other Lua code. All these globals will be saved and restored with the normal emulator settings.

When the shaders are compiled, the Vertex and Fragment shader code will be compiled together, and if the resulting program is valid, the Lua invoker code will be compiled and executed. If the Lua code fails to compile or execute, the shader will be considered invalid and the error will be displayed in the shader editor.

This compilation order allows the Lua code to access the shader program uniforms, and to set them up as needed. The global shaderProgramID will be available to the Lua code, and will contain the ID of the shader program.

The code is expected to export a few functions:

  • Draw, which will be called periodically within the ImGui context, allowing to draw UI elements. The global configureme will be set to true when the user selects the "Configure Shaders" menu item. This allows to display a configuration UI to the user during this function call.

  • Image(textureID, srcSizeX, srcSizeY, dstSizeX, dstSizeY), which will be called periodically within the ImGui context, when the emulator needs to draw the texture textureID at the given size. The texture ID is the OpenGL texture ID, and the size is in pixels. The code is at best expected to do a simple call to imgui.Image(textureID, dstSizeX, dstSizeY, 0, 0, 1, 1) to draw the texture. For the Emulated GPU Pipeline, this function will only be called on the Output shader, when being drawn to the Output region. As the function will be called during the ImGui context, it can capture certain ImGui state, such as the current ImGui cursor position, and use it to draw additional UI elements. Note that as with any normal ImGui function, this isn't the moment when the UI elements are actually drawn, but rather when the UI elements are queued to be drawn, meaning this isn't when the shader program will be executed, which is the point of the next function.

  • BindAttributes(textureID, shaderProgramID, srcLocX, srcLocY, srcSizeX, srcSizeY, dstSizeX, dstSizeY) will be called when the shader program is about to be executed, and needs to bind the attributes. The texture ID is the OpenGL texture ID, and the shader program ID is the OpenGL shader program ID. The location and sizes are in pixels, but are only used for the Emulated GPU Pipeline, when the Offscreen shader is being executed, as it needs to grab a portion of the VRAM texture to be rendered to the offscreen texture.

Additionally, it is possible to programmatically set the content of the editors using the following methods:


The setDefaults method will set the default shader code, and the setText* methods will set the shader code to the given string. The text argument can be either an actual string, or a File object.


The ImGui API is bound to Lua, and can be used to draw UI elements. The ImGui API is documented on the ImGui source code. There is also an interactive manual available.

Not all functions are necessarily bound to Lua, and one can check the bindings code to see which functions are bound, and why some functions are not bound.

The main reason for not binding a function is that its arguments or return values are not trivial to bind. For example, the ImGui::Text C++ function is not bound, as it takes a variadic number of arguments, which is not possible to bind in Lua easily. Instead, the ImGui::TextUnformatted C++ function is bound, which takes a single string argument.

The emulator will periodically try to call the global function DrawImguiFrame with no arguments. If the function is not defined, nothing will happen. If the function fails to execute, it will be removed from the global environment, and the emulator will stop trying to call it until a new global is defined.

The DrawImguiFrame function is expected to call the imgui.Begin function to create a new ImGui window, as there is no default window created by the emulator for the Lua context. The DrawImguiFrame function is also expected to call the imgui.End function as normal with the ImGui API.

Some extra functions are bound to Lua beyond the API listed above:

  • imgui.extra.ImVec2.New(x, y) will create a new FFI ImVec2 object. The ImVec2 object is a simple struct with two fields, x and y. The New function takes two optional arguments, the x and y values, and returns the new ImVec2 object.

  • imgui.extra.getCurrentViewportId() will return the current viewport ID. Viewports in ImGui are a way to split the ImGui context into multiple independent contexts, and the viewport ID is a unique identifier for each viewport. Basically, each viewport is a physical window from the operating system, and it can contain one or more ImGui windows.

  • imgui.extra.getViewportFlags(id) will return the viewport flags for the specified viewport. The viewport flags are of the type ImGuiViewportFlags_ in the ImGui C++ API, and is a bitmask of flags, which are exposed as individual values in the Lua generated bindings.

  • imgui.extra.setViewportFlags(id, flags) will set the viewport flags for the specified viewport. The proper usage of this function is to call imgui.extra.getViewportFlags to get the current flags, modify the flags as needed, and then call imgui.extra.setViewportFlags to set the new flags.

  • imgui.extra.getViewportPos(id) will return the position of the specified viewport. The position is returned as an ImVec2 object.

  • imgui.extra.getViewportSize(id) will return the size of the specified viewport. The size is returned as an ImVec2 object.

  • imgui.extra.getViewportWorkPos(id) will return the work position of the specified viewport. The work position is returned as an ImVec2 object.

  • imgui.extra.getViewportWorkSize(id) will return the work size of the specified viewport. The work size is returned as an ImVec2 object.

  • imgui.extra.getViewportDpiScale(id) will return the DPI scale of the specified viewport. The DPI scale is returned as a number. A value of 1.0 means that the DPI scale for this viewport is 100%.

  • imgui.extra.InputText(label, text[, flags]) will create an input text widget. The label is the label to display next to the input text, and the text is the current text to display in the input text. The flags are optional, and are the same flags as the ones used by the imgui::InputText C++ function. The function will return a boolean indicating if the text has changed or not, and the new text.

  • imgui.extra.InputTextWithHint(label, hint, text[, flags]) will create an input text widget. The label is the label to display next to the input text, and the hint is the hint to display in the input text when the text is empty. The text is the current text to display in the input text. The flags are optional, and are the same flags as the ones used by the imgui::InputTextWithHint C++ function. The function will return a boolean indicating if the text has changed or not, and the new text.

  • imgui.extra.logText(text) will call the imgui::LogText C++ function, which will add the given text to current log buffer.

  • PCSX.GUI.useMainFont() will call the imgui::PushFont C++ function with the proportional font. It will need to be followed by a call to imgui.PopFont().

  • PCSX.GUI.useMonoFont() will call the imgui::PushFont C++ function with the monospace font. It will need to be followed by a call to imgui.PopFont().


The ImGui API will frequently assert and crash the process if the API calls are imbalanced. For example, if the imgui.BeginTable function is called without calling the imgui.EndTable function, the process will most likely crash.

This can be problematic when using the ImGui API from Lua, as the Lua code is not able to catch the crash, and the process will crash without any indication of what went wrong.

The main reason for imbalanced API calls can be attributed to the user code throwing an exception, which will cause the Lua code to unwind the stack, and the ImGui API will not be able to properly clean up its state.

For example, consider the following code:

function DrawImguiFrame()
    if imgui.Begin("My Window") then
        error("Something went wrong")

The imgui.Begin function will be called, but the imgui.End function will not be called, as the error function will unwind the stack, and the imgui.End function will never be called.

In order to mitigate this, safe wrappers are provided for all of the ImGui Begin*/End* functions. The safe wrappers will catch any exception thrown by the user code, and will call the corresponding End* function if the Begin* function returned true. The error will be rethrown after the End* function is called. The wrapped lambda will only be called if the Begin* function returned true.

The example above can be rewritten as:

function DrawImguiFrame()"My Window", function()
        error("Something went wrong")


The NanoVG library is bound to Lua, and can be used to draw arbitrary vector graphics on top of the emulator. The NanoVG API is documented on the NanoVG source code. The API is very similar to the HTML5 Canvas API, meaning that one can use the MDN CanvasRenderingContext2D documentation and other related documentation to learn how to use it.

Using an HTML5 canvas toybox like this one is a good way to learn how to use this API safely.

Note that the NanoVG rendering will happen after the ImGui rendering, meaning that the NanoVG rendering will be on top of the ImGui rendering, regardless of the order in which the NanoVG and ImGui functions are called.

Most of the NanoVG API is bound to Lua, with the exception of the following functions:

  • nvgBeginFrame
  • nvgCancelFrame
  • nvgEndFrame
  • nvgCreateImage
  • nvgCreateImageMem

In addition, the enums and some constructors for the structures used in NanoVG are available as extra values and functions. Please refer to the Lua source code for more details.

The general idea is that the emulator will call nvgBeginFrame and nvgEndFrame before and after the Lua code is executed, and the Lua code will be able to call the other functions to draw the vector graphics.

The proper way to use the NanoVG API is to call nvg:queueNvgRender(function() ... end), when in an ImGui window in order to queue the NanoVG rendering for this specific window.

The nvg:queueNvgRender function takes a single argument, which is a function that will be called when the NanoVG rendering is being executed. The function will be called without argument.

All of the NanoVG functions are bound to the nvg object, which is a proxy object to the proper NanoVG context, meaning it is only valid within the function passed to nvg:queueNvgRender.

This allows the user to call the NanoVG functions without having to pass the NanoVG context as the first argument, as it is done automatically by the proxy object.

Note that the font used by the emulator is also loaded into the NanoVG context, meaning that it is possible to use nvg:Text without having to load a font first.

Example of using everything together

As the NanoVG rendering is very low level, and requires a viewport to draw to, it is required to use the ImGui API to draw some UI, grab the positions of the vector graphics to add, and then queue some NanoVG calls within some ImGui context to draw the wanted vector graphics.

The following example will draw a red rectangle in the middle of the Output region. The rectangle will be 100x100 pixels in size, and will be drawn on top of the emulator rendering. It should follow around the Output region when resizing or moving the window.

In order to work, this example requires the code to be executed in the Image function of the Output shader invoker, so we can get the position of the Output region to draw to.

function Image(textureID, srcSizeX, srcSizeY, dstSizeX, dstSizeY)
    -- This helper is provided by the emulator, and will properly calculate
    -- arbitrary coordinates within an ImGui image that is dstSizeX x dstSizeY
    -- in size. The first two arguments are the coordinates to convert, and
    -- the middle two arguments are the boundaries of the source image.

    -- Here, we are using (1.0, 1.0) as the source image size, but it could
    -- be any other size, as long as the coordinates are within the boundaries
    -- of the source image. For example, if the source image is 320x240, then
    -- the coordinates should be within (0, 0) and (320, 240), and the helper
    -- will properly convert the coordinates to the destination image size.

    local cx, cy = PCSX.Helpers.UI.imageCoordinates(0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, dstSizeX, dstSizeY)

    -- As explained, we can't call NanoVG functions directly, so we need to
    -- queue the rendering of the vector graphics.
        nvg:rect(cx - 50, cy - 50, 100, 100)
        nvg:fillColor(nvg.Color.New(1, 0, 0, 1))
    imgui.Image(textureID, dstSizeX, dstSizeY, 0, 0, 1, 1)